
December 10, 2024
රු75,000 - රු120,000
Application deadline closed.

Job Description

The Board of Management of the University of Colombo School of Computing (UCSC) in pursuance of section 24A (I) of the University Act No.16 of 1978 and its subsequent amendments and the UCSC Ordinance No.01 of 2002 of 01.09.2002 and the provisions of University Grants Commission Circular No. 01/2024 dated 01st January 2024, invites applications for the Post of Director of the University of Colombo School of Computing (UCSC)

The applicants should be citizens of Sri Lanka and shall be less than 63 years of age by the closing date of the application and qualified and experienced to manage and lead the new appointment which will be effective from 01st June 2025.

The Director is a full-time officer of the School. In terms of the UCSC Ordinance No.01 of 2002 of 01.09.2002, the Director is the Principal Executive Officer, Principal Academic Officer and the Principal Accounting Officer of the School. He/ She is an ex-officio member and the Chairman of its Board of Management, Academic Syndicate and all the Board of Studies of the School.

In terms of the UCSC Ordinance No.01 of 2002 of 01.09.2002, the Director shall, unless he/she vacates office earlier or is removed from office as provided for in sub-paragraph (3) hold office for a period of three (03) years reckoned from the date of his/her appointment or until he/she completes his/her 65th year, whichever is earlier.

The Director will responsible for providing academic leadership, formulating, and implementing management policies and executing the decisions of the Board of Management. He/ She will be responsible for the general administration of the School and should therefore uphold the principles of academic excellence, transparency, accountability, democratic management and effective non-partisan leadership.

The Director is eligible to receive the salary same as the Professor and other allowances applicable to the Post of Director; [U-AC 5 (II)]; Rs. 117,350 – 13 x 2700 – 152,450 p.m. according to the Commission Circular No.17/2016 (v) dated 01.06.2018.

The following documents should accompany the application.

  1. A complete Curriculum Vitae of the applicant including the date of birth and contact details. (a certified copy of the birth certificate must be attached)
  2. A personal statement of vision for the development of the Institute.
  3. A brief account of what the applicant proposes to achieve, if appointed to the post of Director.
  4. A letter from the employer indicating whether the applicant/ could be released in the event of his/ her appointment to the post, in case of an applicant serving in the Public Sector, Corporations, Statutory Bodies and Higher Educational Institutions other than the University of Colombo School of Computing.

The selection process will be made in terms of instructions given in the UGC Commission Circular No. 01/2024 dated 01.01.2024 and the criteria prescribed in the attached mark sheet (Annexure I) along with this circular. Please refer the aforesaid circular for more details (

Applications should be in a sealed cover/ envelope and addressed to the Deputy Registrar/ Secretary to the Board of Management, Establishment & Administration Division, University of Colombo School of Computing, No: 35, Reid Avenue, Colombo 07 and sent under registered post to reach the above office on or before 12.00 noon on 24th December 2024. Applicants are advised to indicate the post on the top left-hand corner of the envelop as “Application for the Post of Director/ UCSC”.

In addition, a softcopy of the above no. I to IV documents together with any other supporting documents in PDF format should be submitted to the Deputy Registrar/ Establishment & Administration via email to

Applications received after the closing date or do not comply with the above instructions will not be accepted.